Coordinator: The National Meteorological Administration of Romania (NMA)
The National Meteorological Administration of Romania (NMA) is a legal entity of national, public interest whose main aim is to ensure the meteorological protection of life and property. NMA manages its own financial resources, which are reinvested in the specific R&D activities.
Partner 1: Norsk Regnesentral (NR)
The Norwegian Computing Center (NR), Section for EO, has participated in several international projects with a remote sensing component. NR is specializing in automatic and semi-automatic processing methods for remote sensing data, including satellite images and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data. NR has developed automatic processing chains for time series of satellite data such as MODIS, MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), AATSR, Landsat, etc.
Partner 2: Technical Universityof Civil Engineering (UTCB)
The Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) is the single Romanian university devoted entirely to engineering education in civil engineering, environmental engineering and geomatic engineering. UTCB will be represented in the project by the Groundwater Engineering Research Center.
Partner 3: National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM)
The National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM) is a public institution and a subunit of the “Romanian Waters” National Administration, the national authority in hydrology, hydrogeology and water management. NIHWM was established under its current name in December 2002, but, as different organizations, its activities are over 50 years old. NIHWM develops research activities and provides operational services of national and international public interest for the protection and socio – economic well – being of people.
Partner 4: West University Timisoara (WUT)
The West University of Timisoara (WUT) is one of the most important universities in Romania, occupying a leading position in all national ranking systems, currently situated on the 5th position. The research activity in the WUT consists of: fundamental scientific research; applied scientific research in priority areas; technological development and technological transfer. Department of Geography is placed on the second position in the last national ranking systems.