Overall project objective:
Explore and develop methodology supporting the vision of developing a future service providing national authorities with hind-cast and real-time snow and avalanche information retrieved from earth observation data.
- Improve the spatial and temporal resolution of in-situ snowpack parameters measurements;
- Developmentofalgorithmsandimplementationofaprototypesnowmonitoringsystem combining Sentinel-1/-3 satellite data, weather station data, and hydrological modelling for snowpack parameters estimation;
- Assess the impact of climate change on the snow-related resources and hazards;
- Define and test a reliable methodology for the snowmelt infiltration component of the hydrogeological cycle;
- Develop and implement a data assimilation procedure for adjusting the snowpack related state parameters within the snow models module of the hydrological forecasting models;
- Develop methods for avalanche detection, modelling, and hazard assessment;